
Chapter 6

Using Objects

This chapter explains:


In this chapter, we will deepen our understanding of objects. In particular, we will look at the use of classes from the Java libraries. Note that, though there are many hundreds of these, the principles of using them are similar.

Here is an analogy: reading a book - whatever the book - involves opening it at the front, reading a page, then moving to the next page. We know what to do with a book. It is the same with objects. When you have used a few of them, you know what to look for when presented with a new one.

Instance variables

In order to tackle more advanced problems, we need to introduce a new place to declare variables. So far, we have used int, and double to declare local variables within methods. But local variables alone are insufficient to tackle most problems.

Here we introduce a program (CarCounter, figure 6.1) to assist in the running of a car park (or parking lot). It provides a single button, which the attendant clicks when a car enters. The program keeps a count of the number of cars in the park, and displays it in a message dialog.

Figure 6.1 - CarCounter

In essence, we need to add 1 to a variable (which we will name carCount) in the actionPerformed method associated with the button-click. However, it is important to note that a local variable (declared within the actionPerformed method) will not work. Local variables are temporary - they are created when a method is entered, and destroyed when the method finishes. Any values they hold are not preserved.

Here is the correct code, with the user-interface parts removed for clarity:

public class CarCounter extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {

    private int carCount = 0;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        carCount = carCount + 1;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cars:" + carCount);
The point at issue here is the declaring of the carCount variable. Note that the programmer has free choice of names for instance variables. But what if a name coincides with a local variable name, as in:

public class SomeClass {

    private int n = 8;

    private void myMethod() {
        int n;
        n = 3;         //which n?

    //other methods, omitted here

Although both variables are accessible (in scope) within myMethod, the rule is that the local variable is chosen. The instance variable (class-level) n remains set to 8.

In the above SomeClass class, what are the consequences of deleting the local declaration of n?
ANSWER: The program will still compile and run - but will probably produce wrong results. It now modifies the value of a variable that can be used in other methods. Before, it modified a local variable.

Instance variables are essential, but you should not ignore locals. For example, if a variable is used inside one method only, and need not keep its value between method calls, make it local.

Here is the complete CarCounter program, with the user-interface code as well.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class CarCounter extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {

    private int carCount = 0;

    private JButton button;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CarCounter frame = new CarCounter();
        frame.setSize(300, 200);

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        button = new JButton("Car Entering");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        carCount = carCount + 1;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cars:" + carCount);
Do not be tempted to amend the user-interface code for now. It must be exactly as shown.

Now that we have introduced private scope, let us apply this to the user interface coding. Items on a window - such as buttons - need to be there for the life of the program. In addition, they are often used by several methods. For these reasons, they are declared as instance variables, outside any methods. You can see this at work in the CarCounter class, where a button is declared by:

private JButton button;
in the same area of code as the carCount variable. We shall return to the issue of user-interface classes later in this chapter.

What does this program do? (The creation of the GUI objects has been omitted intentionally, so you can focus on scopes.)
private int x = 0;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    Graphics paper = panel.getGraphics();
    paper.drawLine(x, 0, x, 100);
    x = x + 10;

Each button-click draws a vertical line, 100 pixels long. Each line is located 10 pixels to the right of the previous one.

Instantiation: using constructors with new

So far, you have written programs which used the int and double types. These are regarded as 'built-in' or 'primitive' types - they are not instances of classes (i.e. not objects). Recall that we can declare them and provide an initial value, as in:

int n = 3;
In effect we are saying 'make me a new integer named n, with an initial value of 3'.

However, you have used other kinds of items (such as buttons and graphics drawing areas). They are instances of classes. We have to create them in a special way, using the word new. Creating an instance with new is known as instantiation.

To illustrate the use of new, we will study the Random class.

The Random class

Random numbers are very useful in simulations and in games; for example we can give the game-player a different initial situation every time. Instances of the Random class provide us with a 'stream' of random numbers which we can obtain one-at-a-time via the nextInt method. Here is a program (RandomLines) which draws a random line each time we click the button. One end of the line is fixed at (0, 0), and the other end of the line has a random x and y position. Prior to drawing the line, we clear the drawing area by drawing a white rectangle which fills the drawing area (100 by 100 here) then we set the colour to black. Figure 6.2 shows a screenshot, and here is the code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

public class RandomLines extends JFrame 
    implements ActionListener {

    private Random randomPositions = new Random();
    private JButton button;
    private JPanel panel;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RandomLines frame = new RandomLines();
        frame.setSize(150, 200);

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout() );

        panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100));

        button = new JButton("Press me");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        int xEnd, yEnd;
        Graphics paper = panel.getGraphics();

        paper.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

        xEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);
        yEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);
        paper.drawLine(0, 0, xEnd, yEnd);

Figure 6.2 - random lines

To use Random in a convenient way, we need this import instruction:

import java.util.*;
If we omitted the import, we would have to refer to the class as:

The use of import provides us with a shorthand.

We must then declare and initialise an instance of our class. This can be done in two ways. One approach is to use a single statement, as in

private Random randomPositions = new Random();
Note that: Another way to declare and initialise instances is with declaration and initialisation in different areas of the program, as in
public  class RandomLines extends JFrame 
    implements ActionListener {

    private Random randomPositions;


    private void someMethod() {
        randomPositions = new Random();

Whichever approach we choose, there are a number of points:
What is wrong with this fragment of code:

public class SomeClass extends JFrame
     implements ActionListener {

    private Random r;
    r = new Random(); 

The second instruction must be placed inside a method. Alternatively, the single-statement form could be used, as in:

private Random r = new Random(); 

Let us return to the RandomLines program. So far, we have created an object, i.e. an instance of the Random class named randomPositions. We have yet to create any actual random numbers.

Once an object has been created with new, we can use its methods. The documentation tells us that there are several methods which provide us with a random number, and we chose to use the method which provides integers, and which lets us specify the range of the numbers. The method is named nextInt (in the sense of fetching the next random number from a sequence of numbers). In our program, we put:

xEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);
yEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);
The range of random numbers (100 here) was chosen to be suitable for the size of the drawing area.

To summarize, we declare an instance of the appropriate class (Random here), and use new to create and initialise it. These two stages can be combined, or separated; it depends on the particular program you are working on. Then we use the nextInt method of the instance.

Manipulating random numbers

Let us broaden our discussion of the Random class. We will look at its constructors and its most useful methods.

Firstly, there are two constructors. Above, we used the one with no parameters. However, the constructor is overloaded: there is another version with a single long parameter. (long is a larger version of int.) Here are the two constructors in use:

private Random random = new Random();
private Random randomSame = new Random(1000);

The first version produces a different random sequence every time we run the program. The second version derives the random sequence from the number we supply - which can be any value. In this case the same random sequence occurs every time. We might use this second form if we wanted to perform many test runs with the same sequence.

Figure 6.3 shows the most useful methods.


nextInt(int n) Returns an int value >= 0, and < n

This has no parameters. It returns a double
value >= 0.0, and < 1.0
figure 6.3 - methods of the Random class


Let us consider the nextInt method in more detail. In the RandomLines program, we put:

xEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);
yEnd = randomPositions.nextInt(100);

This will produce a random value in the range 0 to 99. The value 100 will never occur. This is because the specification of nextInt used 'less than' rather than 'less than or equal to'. This is a common cause of programming errors, because most problems are stated with inclusive ranges, as in 'the throw of a die results in a number from 1 to 6', or 'playing cards are numbered from 2 to 10, excluding aces'. Similar warnings also apply to nextDouble, which will never produce a value of exactly 1.0.

Here we will write a method which simplifies the use of random numbers. It has two parameters, letting us specify the minimum and maximum inclusive values of our numbers. here is the code:

private int randomInRange(int min, int max) {
    return min+random.nextInt(max-min+1);

To simulate the throw of a die, we might put:

int lucky;
lucky = randomInRange(1, 6);
When you use a class, it is important to understand the facilities provided by its methods and constructors. Sometimes, the documentation that comes with Java systems is rather hard to understand, so in appendix A we summarise all the classes that we use throughout the book.

How would you call randomInRange to obtain a random age in the range 16 to 59 inclusive?

int age = randomInRange(16, 59);

The main method and new

We have discussed the use of new in creating a new instance of a class, which we then use via its methods. However, if you step back from the detail of your programs, you will see that they are all classes, taking the form:

public class SomeName ... {

    private declarations...

    a series of methods...

Informally, we have talked about 'writing a program' but in fact we should say 'writing a class'. But is the program a class, or an instance of a class?

Recall that the main method is called automatically by the Java system before anything else happens. Look at the instructions in any of our main methods. Its first task is to use new to create an instance of the class which contains it.

We will continue to talk about programs, as this is more natural. To answer our question about programs and classes: a running program is an instance of a class. The new takes place in the main method.

The Swing toolkit

When Java was created, it came with a set of classes containing user- interface components such as buttons, scroll bars etc. The set of classes was known as the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). However, some of the components were rather low-quality, and they also looked different on different platforms because they made use of the components provided by the operating system in use. We provide an overview of the AWT in appendix B.

To improve the situation, a set of components was written in Java which provided more facilities, and which looked identical on any platform. The classes were referred to as the Swing toolkit. You have used the JButton class often - the J indicates that the class was written in Java.

Though Swing provides more power, we still need parts of the old AWT, as you will see from the import instructions we place at the top of our programs.


Above, we looked at Random and saw how to create new instances and manipulate these instances with their methods. We follow this approach for many classes. However, there are other classes - such as JButton - which are different, because they involve events. We shall look at this class in detail, and then generalise the use of classes, to enable you to use any other classes you encounter.

We have used events in many of the programs you have seen. We provided a button, and code was placed in the actionPerformed method to respond to the event. Here we will cover events in more detail.

In Java, events are split into categories. For example, we have:

Recall the CarCounter program, and locate the line:
public class CarCounter extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {

The extends keyword expresses inheritance, which we cover in chapter 10. The implements keyword can be used to provide event-handling. Here is an analogy. Assume you have a SuperCredit card, and you see a sign outside a shop stating that SuperCredit cards are accepted. You assume that when you make a purchase, the shop will provide the facilities you need, such as a suitable machine to process your card. In other words, the shop implements the SuperCredit interface. We cover interfaces in Chapter 23.

When we use implements ActionListener, we are stating that our program implements the ActionListener interface. This requires that we provide a method named actionPerformed, which will be called when an action event happens - such as the click on a button.

In addition we have to register the program as a 'listener' for types of event. This is covered below.

Creating a JButton

Here we will look at the process of creating a button. Just like our use of Random, we must declare and initialise the object before using it. In addition, we must implement the ActionListener interface, and register as a listener for action events. Here again is the CarCounter program, which we will study.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class CarCounter extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {

    private int carCount = 0;

    private JButton button;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CarCounter frame = new CarCounter();
        frame.setSize(300, 200);

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        button = new JButton("Car Entering");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        carCount = carCount + 1;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cars:" + carCount);

Here is the process:

As you can see, the process is quite involved. The good news is that the process is almost identical each time we do it.

There are some arbitrary things we chose in the program, for example:

There are some essential unchangeable parts of the program:

When we say unchangeable, we mean it. Don't invent your own names, such as clickPerformed.

Guidelines for using objects

We have seen how instances of the Random class and the JButton class can be incorporated into programs. Now we are in a position to step back and provide some general guidelines. Following these, we will apply them to the JLabel, JTextField, JSlider, JPanel, and Timer classes.

Here is the approach.

  1. Examine the documentation for the class in question. Determine the importing that is needed. Sometimes, additional classes will need importing, as well as the class in question (as in JSlider covered below).
  2. Select a constructor, to be used with new.
  3. If the class is a user-interface component, add it to the window.
  4. determine if events are relevant. If so, provide the appropriate implements, registering, and listener methods.
  5. Once the instance has been declared and created with new, use it via its methods.

Now we will examine other useful classes. There are no new facilities of Java required - we have seen how to incorporate classes and create instances. However, these classes are very useful, and appear in many of the following chapters.

The JLabel

The JLabel lets us display non-changing text, such as user instructions or prompts. For text that will change - such as the result from a calculation - we would use a JTextField. The SumTextFields program (figure 6.4) shows it in use, displaying the fixed = character. Let us examine its use.


Figure 6.4 - sum of text fields

Here is the code of SumTextFields, which adds two values when the + button is clicked.:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class SumTextFields extends JFrame 
    implements ActionListener {

    private JTextField number1Field, number2Field, sumField;
    private JLabel equalsLabel;
    private JButton plusButton;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SumTextFields frame = new SumTextFields();
        frame.setSize(350, 100);

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        number1Field = new JTextField(7);

        plusButton = new JButton("+");

        number2Field = new JTextField(7);

        equalsLabel = new JLabel("  =  ");

        sumField = new JTextField(7);

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        int number1 = Integer.parseInt(number1Field.getText());
        int number2 = Integer.parseInt(number2Field.getText());
        sumField.setText(Integer.toString(number1 + number2));

The JTextField

The JTextField class provides a single-line area which can be used to display text, or to input text. Let us examine its use: In the SumTextFields program, the user enters two integers into the text fields at the left. When the button is clicked, the sum is displayed in the third text field. Recall our use of input dialogs for inputting numbers, in Chapter 4. Again, we need to convert the string entered in the text field into an integer, and we need to convert our integer result into a string in order to display it. We use Integer.parseInt and Integer.toString. Here is the code:
int number1 = Integer.parseInt(number1Field.getText());
int number2 = Integer.parseInt(number2Field.getText());
sumField.setText(Integer.toString(number1 + number2));

The purpose of the program is to illustrate labels and text fields. but it is by no means perfect. Consider the problem of incorporating a Clear button, which stores an empty string "" in each text field when clicked. The difficulty is that every button-click is dealt with by the actionPerformed method, and (with what you know so far) it is impossible to distinguish between them. In Chapter 7, we show the use of the if statement, which we can place in an actionPerformed method. Effectively this allows us to say:

     if the "+" button caused the event, do the sum.
     if the "Clear" button caused the event, clear the text fields.

Rewrite the CarCounter program so that the count is displayed in a text field rather than a message dialog.
We add a text field to the window using the same coding as in the SumTextFields program. A suitable name is countField. Rather than displaying the answer in a message dialog, we put:


The JPanel

The panel can be used for drawing, or can be used to hold other objects such as buttons. When we create a drawing area, we often need to specify its size in pixels, rather than let Java treat it in the same way as it treats buttons.

Here is the standard code we use to create a panel with a specified size:

panel = new JPanel();
panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));

To use the panel as a drawing area rather than a container for other objects, we use:

Graphics paper = panel.getGraphics();

The Timer

The timer creates regularly-spaced action events, which can be imagined as the tick of a clock. We can start and stop the timer, and can control its speed. Unlike a button, the timer has no on-screen representation. Here are the main timer facilities. Here is a program (TimerExample) which displays minutes and seconds on the screen. Figure 6.5 shows the screenshot, and here is the code.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class TimerExample extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {

    private JTextField secsField, minsField;
    private JLabel secsLabel, minsLabel;
    private int ticks = 0;
    private Timer timer;

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        TimerExample frame = new TimerExample();

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout() );

        minsLabel = new JLabel("Mins:  ");

        minsField = new JTextField(2);

        secsLabel = new JLabel("    Secs:   ");

        secsField = new JTextField(2);
        timer = new Timer(1000, this);

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        minsField.setText(Integer.toString(ticks / 60));
        secsField.setText(Integer.toString(ticks % 60));
        ticks = ticks + 1;


Figure 6.5 timer example

We create a timer with an event every second (1000 milliseconds). The event-handling involves:

Explain why the ticks variable cannot be local.
Local variables are created afresh when their method is entered, and their values are erased when a method finishes. If ticks were local, the count would not be maintained.

The JSlider

Our final class is the slider. It provides a knob which can be dragged to select a value. You can see it at work in the Raindrops program in figure 6.6. Here are the main points. Here is the code of Raindrops, and figure 6.6 shows its screenshot.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*; 

public class Raindrops extends JFrame implements
    ActionListener, ChangeListener {

    private JPanel panel;
    private Random random;
    private javax.swing.Timer timer;
    private JSlider slider;
    private JTextField gapField;
    private JLabel gapLabel;

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Raindrops frame = new Raindrops();
        frame.setSize(250, 300);

    private void createGUI() {
        Container window = getContentPane();
        window.setLayout(new FlowLayout() );
        random = new Random();

        panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));

        gapLabel = new JLabel("Time Gap:  ");
        gapField = new JTextField(10);

        slider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 200, 2000, 1000);
        timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1000, this);

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        int x, y, size;
        Graphics paper = panel.getGraphics();
        y = random.nextInt(200);
        size = random.nextInt(20);
        paper.fillOval(x,y, size, size);

    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
        int timeGap = slider.getValue();

Figure 6.6 RainDrops

The program simulates raindrops of a random size falling on a sheet of paper. The user can alter the time between drops by dragging on the slider.

Every time a timer event happens, the program draws a randomly-sized circle, at a random position. When the slider is moved, the current value of the slider is displayed in a text field, and the speed of the timer is altered. The slider range of 200 to 2000 was found by experimentation. The program uses most of the classes we have examined, but there are two new points:

In the Raindrops example, the current position of the knob is displayed in a text field. What are the consequences of altering the initial position of the knob in the call of JSlider constructor??
There are no consequences. because the initial value of the text field is initialised with the current value of the slider knob, irrespective of what the value is.

Programming principles

For many years it has been the dream of programmers to be able to build programs in the same way that hi-fi systems are built - i.e. from 'off the shelf' components such as speakers, amplifiers, volume controls etc. The rise in object-oriented programming coupled with the extensive Java class libraries brings this dream closer.

Programming pitfalls

Grammar spot

New language elements


The Java system has a vast number of classes which you can (and ought to) use. Do not write your own code without investigating the libraries first.


1. Write a program which calculates the area of a rectangle. The dimensions should be input from text fields, and the result should be displayed in a text field. Ensure that the input fields are clearly labelled.

2. Write a program which produces a random number between 200 and 400 each time a button is clicked. The program should display this number, and the sum and average of all the numbers so far. As you click again and again, the average should converge on 300. If it doesn't, we would suspect the random number generator - just as we would be suspicious of a coin that came out heads 100 times in a row!

3. (a) Write a program which converts degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. The Celsius value should be entered in a text field - use integer values. Clicking a button should cause the Fahrenheit value to be displayed in another text field. The conversion formula is:

f = (c * 9) / 5 + 32;
(b). modify the program so that the Celsius value is entered via a slider, with its minimum set to 0, and its maximum set to 100.

(c) represent both the temperatures as long thin rectangles, to be drawn on after every 'change' event. Remember to clear the drawing area and to reset the drawing colour each time.

4. Write a program which calculates the volume of a swimming pool, and which also displays its cross-section in a picture box. The width of the pool is fixed at 5 metres and the length is fixed at 20 metres. The program should have two sliders - one to adjust the depth of the deep end, and one to adjust the depth of the shallow end. The minimum depth of each end is 1 metre. Redraw the pool in the stateChanged method. Choose suitable values for the maximum and minimum track bar values at design time. The volume formula is:

v = averageDepth * width * length;
Figure 6.7 shows the cross-section.


figure 6.7 - pool


5. Write a program which displays changing minutes and seconds, representing them by two long rectangles: make the maximum width of the rectangles equal to 600 pixels to simplify the arithmetic (10 pixels for each minute and each second). Set the size of the frame to 700 pixels wide, and set the preferred width of the drawing panel to 700 pixels. Re-draw the two rectangles every second. Figure 6.8 shows a representation of 30 minutes and 15 seconds

fig 6.8 - Clock

The program should count up in seconds with a timer, and display the total seconds, and the time in minutes and seconds. In order to speed up testing the program, you should reduce the timer interval from 1000 milliseconds to say 200.

6. This question guides you through the writing of a geometry game:
(a) Write a program with two sliders which control the horizontal and vertical position of a circle of 200 pixels diameter. Clear the screen and re-draw the circle in the stateChanged method.

(b) add a third slider to control the diameter of the circle.

(c) What follows is based on the mathematical fact that a circle can be drawn through any three points. The program should initially display 3 points (each is a small filled circle). Good initial positions are (100,100), (200,200), (200,100) but you can add a small random number to them for variety. The player has to manipulate the circle until the circle goes through each point.